Monday, March 27, 2023

Nada Que Decir


So it's a new week. New start. I love Mondays for this reasoning. I remember when I dreaded Mondays when I was working a job that I didn't give a shit about, or one in which I had to act a part. But now it's on my own terms, such a liberating feeling.

However, I am not rich in money sense, and this is something that can be scary at times. Especially when you start comparing yourself to others' situations. Always a dangerous thing to do, and also an immature move in my in I used to do that all the time, ages ago [maybe not that long ago jajaj].

Thought of the day: "I hate flossing." OK then, so I have stopped for the past few months (that's a bold lie, FYI). And now, here in Mazatlan, Mexico, I always ask for a 'picadiente'. Problem solved, and it is just as effective I feel. Shit, I might have to Google this. Wait, no not Google...that is so last year. Now it is about asking the ChatGPT what the answer is (and Google this if you don't know about it). Here is what ChatG (my nickname) says:


While using a toothpick can help remove food particles and plaque from between teeth, it is generally not as effective as flossing for several reasons.

First, toothpicks are often too thick to fit in the tight spaces between teeth, which means they may not be able to reach all the areas where plaque and food particles can accumulate.

Second, toothpicks can also be too abrasive and can damage the gums and tooth enamel if used improperly or too aggressively. This can cause gum recession, tooth sensitivity, and even cavities.

Third, unlike dental floss, toothpicks are not designed to remove plaque and bacteria that are trapped below the gumline, where they can cause gum disease and other oral health problems.

Therefore, while using a toothpick can be helpful in removing food particles and plaque, it is not a substitute for flossing. Flossing is an essential part of a good oral hygiene routine, and dentists recommend flossing at least once a day to keep your teeth and gums healthy."

 Well, shit. Back to flossing [a bit] I guess. What a Monday it has already been. Jaja. 

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